Best Natural Eyesight Supplements To Buy Online In USA And UK

Frequent exposure to UV radiations can cause cataract and strained eyes can suffer from tissue, muscle and nerve damages. Smoking and gluing to computer screen for long is harmful for eyes and one need to take breaks to protect eyes from long term damage. The condition of tiredness of eye tissues and poor blood circulation to the nerves connected to the eye can be improved by adopting holistic cures such as doing yoga for eyesight and taking natural eyesight supplements.
Herbal remedy for poor eyesight e.g. I-Lite capsule is empowered with herbs which can improve the nerve signaling and empower muscle strength in eyes. The antioxidants in herbs provide improvement in vision and reduce pressure created on eye tissues due to exposure to harsh conditions or hypertension. Natural eyesight supplements such as Phyllanthus emblica (Amla), Asparagus Racemosus (Shatavari), Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki) and Celastrus Paniculatus (Malkangani) are some of the ingredients found in I-Lite capsules.
Researchers agree that a heavy dose of vitamin C is very effective in curing a number of eye problems and this was studied on 30 human subjects that involved 16 men and 14 women. The most prominent result of the study was lowering of pressure in eyes when the vitamin C supplement was given three times a day to the patients. The series of tests on 20 patients showed while all medicines are highly toxic and have strong side effects on eyes; the supplement of vitamin C had no toxicity. Additionally, the patients found other benefits of the supplement such as relaxation from the symptoms of sinusitis or allergies, cholesterol lowering, arthritis improvement, improvement in metabolism, reduced heart conditions and others, and this makes vitamin C source to be the best eyesight supplements to buy online.
Ayurvedic cures for eye conditions are super rich in vitamin C and minerals, beneficial for the eyes. E.g. Phyllanthus emblica or Indian gooseberry is one of the richest natural eyesight supplements that are also the primary source of vitamin C containing 478 mg per 100 gm of the berry. It has been found that the vitamin C content in the berry of emblica is not destroyed even after processing or burning, and hence, it is believed to be one of the best herbal eye supplements to buy online. The berries are widely used in a number of ayurvedic preparations, and can be taken raw or dry, for the treatment of chronic conditions such as diabetes. This has ulcer prevention properties and is highly anti-inflammatory in nature. If taken regularly it delays the condition of diabetic cataract and can even regulate cholesterol.
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