Ayurvedic Supplements To Increase Calcium Levels In Children And Adults Safely

Sesame seed, enriched with calcium compounds is another food source to improve the strength of bones and teeth. Hence feel free to include sesame seeds in food recipes that you prepare and eat. Similar to sesame seeds, chia seed is another food source to increase the level of calcium in body and maintain strong healthy joints and bones. Apart from calcium, chia seeds are also found to be very useful to improve the level of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in body.
How many of you include green leafy vegetables in daily diet? If you are there, it is found to be very beneficial to increase the calcium level in body. For the best result, it is generally recommended to include food items like spinach and kale in daily diet. Orange juice is a health drink that can improve the calcium absorption ability of body. Besides calcium, orange juice is also equipped with a good amount of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A and beta carotene compounds. If possible, make it as a habit to drink orange juice daily.
Quinoa, one among the healthy whole grains is another food source that can improve the level of calcium in body. Daily consumption of quinoa can also increase the level of potassium, zinc and protein in body. So include this whole grain in daily diet schedule. Similar to quinoa, blackstrap molasses is another food item to improve the calcium level in body. It can act as sweetener for teas. Hence add blackstrap molasses in the organic tea that you drink.
As per studies, beans are found to be high in calcium. To get effective result, it is suggested to include different types of beans like winged beans, navy beans and white beans in daily diet. Broccoli is another food source to increase the level of calcium in body. Apart from calcium, broccoli is also found to be enriched with sources like vitamin A, vitamin K, dietary fiber and foliate.
Selecting the best product to increase calcium level plays a great role in getting satisfactory result. Calcivon tablets are one among the best sold natural calcium supplements to treat low calcium level in body. Today, you can easily avail this herbal product from online stores. It promotes the strength of bones and teeth naturally. Lack of side effect is a highlighting feature of Calcivon. You can make use of this herbal product twice per day.
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