Ayurvedic Remedies To Fight Type-2 Diabetes And Improve Overall Health

How can fenugreek seed reduces the level of blood sugar level in body? This is a common query heard from people. Presence of trigonelline is a key factor here. You can make use of fenugreek seed in powdered form with buttermilk. If you are in search of herbal remedies for type 2 diabetes, feel free to make use of fenugreek seed in daily life.
Similar to fenugreek seed, bitter melon is another natural remedy that cures hyperglycemia problems. Presence of charantine, vicine and insulin like compound known as polypeptide-p reduces the diabetes problems in body. As per studies, lectin in bitter melon is found to be very effective to reduce blood glucose concentration in body. Side effects of diabetes like retinopathy and neuritis can also be reduced by making use of karela in daily diet. Karela is enriched with a good source of vitamin A, B1, B2 and C compounds. Hence never hesitate to make use of karela in daily diet schedule.
Jambu fruit is another natural source to alleviate the risk of hyperglycemia. Jamboline present in jambu fruit controls the excessive conversion of starch to sugar. This in turn reduces the quantity of sugar in urine naturally. Drinking water boiled with bael leaves is a natural remedy to control high blood sugar problems. Today, many among the products used to treat hyperglycemia problems are added with bael leaf as a key ingredient. Anti-diabetic properties in bael leaves can naturally control the high blood sugar problems in body.
Do you like to include garlic extract in food items that you eat? Garlic is another natural source to reduce the effects of diabetes. Allicin compound present in garlic can reduce the risk of diabetes in body. Hence feel free to include garlic in food items that you consume. Aloe vera is another natural remedy to treat high blood sugar problems. Presence of compounds like lectins, mannans and anthraquinones in aloe vera play a great role in reducing the blood sugar level in body.
Studies say that compounds in cabbage leaf can also help to increase the insulin sensitivity of body. So try to include cabbage leaf in daily meals that you consume. Diabec capsule is one among the top sold herbal products to treat hyperglycemia problems. You can make use of this diabetes ayurvedic treatment twice per day. Diabec is composed with ingredients popular for treating high blood sugar levels. To get effective result, it is recommended to intake this product consistently for three months. Diabec assures health benefits devoid of side effects in users. Also, it is recommended to follow a lifestyle with nutritious diet and regular exercises.
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