How To Get Strong Bones And Joints At Home In A Safe Manner?

The inorganic calcium supplements to get strong bones and joints are, basically, a kind of rock compound that accumulates in the soft internal tissues of human body and deposits in the arteries to cause heart related disorders and restrict blood flow. The inorganic calcium comes from calcium carbonate, citrate, dolomites etc. Ayurvedic methods to process inorganic calcium with herbs help to enhance calcium absorption into the body to prevent harmful depositions of element calcium in body tissues.
Calcium deficiency can lead to the loss of bone density and cause pain in joints. Common symptoms of calcium deficiency are muscle spasms, tingling or numbness in body organs, memory loss, depression and hallucinations. Loss of bone mass can cause brittleness and fractures. A number of age related health issues such as inability to walk, spine injuries, disabilities and muscle pain are related to calcium deficiency. Also it has been observed that the commonly used calcium supplement is not absorbed into the human body because the body requires a set of natural compounds to absorb and utilize these calcium supplements.
To get strong bones and joints herbal calcium supplements can be taken because chemically the calcium found in rocks cannot work in isolation in human body. It requires phyto chemicals which enables the minerals to get into the bloodstream and remain available in usable form. The study on 60 human subjects that were given certain sets of calcium supplements for five weeks e.g. calcium carbonate, calcium amino acid chelate etc., showed supplementation with different compounds of calcium had different levels of absorption into the body, while, the calcium supplement provided by milk products have a number of demerits. The intake of such source of calcium can lead to loss of calcium in body as the compounds in the milk contain antibiotic residue, somatic cells and various other chemicals that are given by the dairy farmers to the animals.
Calcium deficiency can be identified by symptoms such as sleeplessness, obesity, high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat, neck pain, muscle pain, memory loss etc. People having poor sleep patterns and failure to reduce weight, may be suffering from calcium deficiency. Studies have found that the reduction in the level of calcium intake can cause inability to achieve deep sleep as the chemical melatonin that is related to sleep is prepared from amino acid tryptophan. Calcium in the fat cells can burn fat that causes weight loss and a low calcium intake can reduce fat burning causing obesity.
Calcivon tablets are natural calcium supplements which can be taken to get strong bones and joints. The ingredients in the tablets include Khatika and Oyster Shell, processed through a series of stages to get the final supplements. Oyster shell contains a number of supporting minerals such as copper, phosphorous, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron and vitamin such as A, B, D and K for absorption, and hence, the compound can be effectively absorbed into human systems and prevent deficiency to get strong bones and joints. Khatika is naturally available calcium and it is mixed with oyster shell and certain other chemicals to manufacture herbal calcium supplements to get strong bones and joints.
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