Herbal Remedies To Treat Bleeding Hemorrhoids In Men And Women

Human body has a sensitive digestive and excretory system suffers from damage over ages of improper use. Many suffer from the problem of hemorrhoids, internal or external, by the middle age and in old age. More than 10 percent of US adult population suffers from the problem of hemorrhoids that is believed to be a common aging side effect. The most common reason for a number of health issues is the improper functioning of the digestive system and the excretory system. Ayurvedic cures contain a mixture of extracts collected from medicinal plants that can help in preventing the causes of hemorrhoids by improving bowel health and reducing the problem of infections to the intestine. Herbal remedies to treat bleeding hemorrhoids as provided by Pilesgon capsules, herbal treatment for hemorrhoids, contains the extracts from Sapindus Mukorossi, Mesua Ferrea, Acacia Catechu, Vernonia Anthelmintica, Berberis, Bryophyllum Calycinum etc. The extract improves liver functioning and increases the capability of bowel to hold moisture.
Hemorrhoids are caused by the pillow like cluster of veins that are found below the mucus membrane in the inner lining of the lowest part of the excretory system. The problem starts if the veins get swollen to battle the gravity and push blood towards heart. The most common solution to the problem is use of rubber band to push back hemorrhoids and it doesn't guarantee non-reoccurrence of the condition. The imbalance in the metabolic function along with changes in endocrine system makes it very difficult for old people to counter this kind of painful condition. Herbal remedies to treat bleeding hemorrhoids can get rid of the problem and even prevent its reoccurrence.
Sapindus Mukorossi is used to cure piles as it contains important phyto-chemicals which can reduce extensive cellular damage and has hepato-protective effect on body. The plant species is used for the treatment of tooth disorders, piles, asthma, and its fruits are valued for saponins.
Mesua Ferrea contains phyto-chemicals that show potent antioxidant activities against bacterial infections. It improves liver functioning and protects against aging related damage to the metabolic system.
Herbal remedies to treat bleeding hemorrhoids contain the herb Acacia Catechu that was traditionally taken empty stomach with lemon juice to cure piles. The herb is believed to be anti-inflammatory and tissue protecting in nature. If taken internally it works as anti-diarrheal and analgesic. In human studies, the herb showed the anti-inflammatory effects on osteoarthritis patients. It is a rich source of gallic acid derivatives e.g. catechin, epicatechin etc.
Vernonia Anthelmintica was taken traditionally to get rid of intestinal infections, parasites and reduce pain and inflammation in the abdomen. A study on mice showed the fruits of the plant possess central and peripheral analgesic activities. The extract of fruits also has acute and chronic anti-inflammatory effects on laboratory rats. The tannins, saponins, steroids and flavonoids of the fruits are responsible for these properties.
Herbal remedies for internal hemorrhoids treatment contain a number of herbs that can reduce inflammation and pains caused by internal and external hemorrhoids, and revive the power of damaged tissues in the lowest part of intestine by improving blood flow to the intestinal tissues.
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